It’s not just a chronicle of one person’s journey, but a roadmap for all who follow.
As an old proverb states, a library burns to the ground every time an elder dies. It should be added though, that this metaphorical library is filled not only with the facts, information, and major events of a lifetime, but also with the personality quirks, eccentricities, and off-color humor that make up a human being. Its shelves are lined with the crushing failures and brilliant successes, irrational anxieties and high ambitions, burning resentments and fervent loves that are the hallmarks of a life. It’s not a library built of brick-and-mortar, but of the intangible elements that make up a human spirit.
We all want to be remembered; to have a snapshot of our individual libraries and the many volumes of personal experience that line its shelves. This desire isn’t borne of ego or pride, but rather from an understanding that the challenges we tackled, or failed to tackle, the choices we made and the lessons we learned, could possibly be helpful to those who follow. It is from this that the idea of Lives Well Lived was born.

Each Lives Well Lived video is a personal library that offers not just a record of the past, but a snapshot of the present – who you are today and how your journey has brought you here. It captures your story, in your voice, and is intended for all of those who follow in your footsteps – children, grandchildren, and loved ones.

Use the arrows to cycle through videos. Click on the image to play.

How This Works

Each legacy video is made up of three parts: a sit-down interview, b-roll, and photos

Step 1: The Interview

The sit-down interview lasts from 3-5 hours, and usually takes place in the home of the individual(s). Simply put, we discuss the individual's life, from childhood to present day, taking breaks as necessary.

Step 2: Filming the B-roll

B-roll is secondary footage, used to provide context and visual interest to help tell your story. It provides another peek into the individual's life, in a potentially more relaxed setting. The b-roll takes about 1-3 hours to shoot and covers the individual in a favorite activity or hobby, which could be gardening, cooking, sailing, going for a walk, or anything else that captures an activity they enjoy and identify most with. The B-roll is normally shot during a second visit.

Step 3: Collection of Family Photos

Photos enrich the story, and create a more memorable, personalized experiencefor those viewing the video at a later time. The more photos we have, the better. We ask for digital copies of family photographs. We can also supplement the legacy video with stock footage and archival photos that are appropriate to the time period, locations and story of the individual.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far do you travel?
How much does a video cost?
How long does it take to shoot?
How long is the completed video?
How is the completed video delivered?
What if I don’t have many pictures to share?
Can I give feedback during the editing process?
How long does it take to receive the final video?
Can I have other people interviewed for my video?

Working With Us

Jason Wood, Creator of Lives Well Lived

I've produced commercial videos of almost every kind. Without a doubt the ones from which I've derived the most satisfaction are stories about people. I really enjoy talking to people, and designing stories about their lives. From doctors to businesswomen, academics to historians, I’ve created video profiles of people from all over the world, and the journeys that they’ve taken. Each one is different, and yet, in some ways, surprisingly similar.

Contact Us

If you are interested in having a Lives Well Lived video created for your family, contact us.
site design by Anne Lewis